Members – Join
Members of the British Fireworks Association must conform to specific criteria and a members Code of Conduct in order to uphold their membership. The criteria have been designed to ensure that the products supplied by our members are consistent with the BFA’s motto “Safety, Quality, Reliability”
If you are interested in joining the British Fireworks Association, please ensure that you satisfy the criteria below:
- We are a Manufacturer or Importer of Consumer Fireworks as defined in The Pyrotechnic Articles (Safety) Regulations 2015.
- We have adequate licensed storage (H&SE License). “Adequate” meaning to have sufficient capacity to store whatever consignment of fireworks is arriving at the Company site.
- We can provide evidence of licensed storage, either by a copy of the license or, if the Company is a tenant on a licensed site, a copy of a legally binding lease.
- We can provide evidence of Public and Product Liability Insurance to a minimum level of £5 million with ongoing evidence of renewal.
- We comply with the requirements of Classification and Authorisation.
- We agree to comply with the members Code of Conduct.
- We agree to abide by all decisions taken by the Association, particularly voluntary agreements.
British Fireworks Association Code of Conduct
As the leading Trade Body for fireworks within the UK it is important that those within the BFA maintain the minimum membership criteria above and agree to abide by the listed code of conduct.
Members agree to:
i. ensure that their products imported to the UK or placed on the UK market are compliant with the regulations relating to fireworks and pyrotechnic articles that are in force at the time of import.
ii. conduct their business in a manner that maintains the trust of the authorities.
iii. conduct their business in a manner that maintains the trust of the public.
iv. act in an appropriate and proportionate way when notified of breaches to the regulations.
v. to directly notify any other member in situations where a potential breach by one of their products becomes known; the member may not be aware of the situation.
vi. bring to the attention of the BFA Secretary information on non-compliant items imported by non-members. The BFA Secretary agrees to pass on this information to the appropriate authorities for their action and to other members for their information.
By accepting these terms, the BFA will be better placed to offer its full support and guidance to all members in situations that warrant it.
If you believe that your company satisfies all of the criteria above, and you would like to join the British Fireworks Association, please contact us for an application form by emailing the BFA Secretary at Alternatively, you can initiate your application by contacting one of our existing members.